In the second chapter of (Cox 2006) the authors talks about a Fisherian reduction which I think of as a framework of doing inference given a sufficient statistic \(S\). An interesting point here is that one can use the conditional distribution of the data, \(X_1, \dots, X_n\) say, on \(S\) to evaluate the fit of the model.
In this post I want to explore this concept in the setting of a standard \(t\)-Test, i.e. we have \(X_i \overset{\text{i.i.d}}{\sim} \mathcal N(\mu, \sigma^2)\). The parameter of interest is of course \(\mu\) and \(S = (\bar X_n, \hat\sigma^2_{n})\) is a sufficient statistic, with \(\hat\sigma^2_n\) the empirical variance.
To apply the Fisherian reduction we thus need to find the conditional distribution of \(X = \left(X_1, \dots, X_n\right)\) on \(\bar X_n\), i.e.\(X | \bar X_n\). For this, let \(A = \left(A_1, B\right) \in \mathbf R^{n\times n}\) be an orthogonal matrix whose first column is \[A_1 = \left(\frac 1 {\sqrt{n}}, \dots , \frac 1 {\sqrt{n}} \right).\]
Then \(Y = A^TX \sim \mathcal N \left(\mu A^T\mu \mathbf 1, \sigma^2 I_{n}\right)\) and \(Y = \left(\sqrt{n} \bar X_n, Z\right)\) where \(Z \sim \mathcal N \left(\sigma^2 I_{n - 1}\right)\), \(Z\) and \(\bar X_n\) being independent.
Transforming back we obtain the conditional distribution we sought: \[ X | \bar X_n \sim AY | \bar X_n \mathbf 1 \sim \bar X_n + B Z\]
The catch here is that \(B\) is a \(n\times (n - 1)\) dimensional matrix, so \(X | \bar X_n\) has a normal distribution of dimension \(n-1\), e.g. the variance-covariance matrix is rank-deficient.